Mission Statement and History

The purposes of the Boscobel Community Foundation Inc. include enhancing and promoting philanthropy, the receiving and accepting of property to be administered for charitable, educational, scientific, recreational, literary and civic purposes within Boscobel and the surrounding area; and the distributing of income and property exclusively to and for the use of charitable purposes described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended, or any corresponding provision of subsequent federal tax laws.

The Foundation has been active in charitable giving in our community for many years, and in partnering with other civic, historical, service, and educational organizations within the community and surrounding areas such as the Boscobel Cemetery Association, Boscobel Public Library, GAR Hall, Boscobel Education Foundation, AMCOR, Riverway Communities of Hope, Boscobel Farmer's Market, Wisconsin River Trails Organization, Kiwanis Empty Stocking Club, Boscobel Sportsman's Club, Gunderson Boscobel Hospital Foundation, Boscobel Food Pantry, and many others.

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